#Smart June Newsletter Moving Forward

Monday 10 July 2017
It has been a busy month of June with full training of the developing idea and turning it into business through attending the D2 Business seminar with East Midlands chamber of commerce being conducted highly professional people. Get benefit in working on the business plan detail from just an idea to business plan. Great experience sharing ideas in developing the business plan. At the end of Month smart independent worldwide consultancy presented it first book Innovation in DNA: -The powerhouse of forward thinking to YMCA residents igniting their Inner DNA in creating a new path to success. This high light the need to ignite our inner power by following through 10 innovation cycle as the book. Great presentation looking forward to another in-depth with the residents. Lastly, I attended the online marketing seminar which was awesome still at the East midlands chamber of commerce learning in depth about online marketing strategies namely SEO optimisation, google AdWords, Blogging, Thanks for your cooperation Please our Social Network groups 1. https://www.facebook.com/mutebi73/ 2. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Smart-Green-global-sustainable-millionaries-229169920470591/photos/?ref=page_internal 3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/152606812738/?ref=bookmarks 4. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonmutebiandrewkyazze12345/?ppe1 5. https://twitter.com/mutebi73

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